Walk The Line's Soundtrack's good, shiok shiok.
Caught Final Destination earlier on and well it's alright, some of the deaths are like either too fast or perhaps even cliche. I think movies under genre as such nowadays gotta work on dying scenes, I could almost see the smiliarity between Saw, and yeah, can't think of any now but basically movies which fall under thrillers.
Hmm having mixed feelings, like thinking of things but can't think it through. Quite vexing actually, oh well oh well, flamingo and to the Shire!
"I fell into a burning ring of fire..."
We played with the lights, and made ourselves blur. We ran along the fire station in laughter and joy. Then I knocked some shit on the wall and cut myself. I tore my beloved shirt, and I had a cut om my arm like one kind. It's about 8 to 9cm long, it got the ever-stoning Stelliyah hyper and high. My my what a sadistic girl she is. Luckily there was a medic among us, it was Double X. She helped me clean the wounds and then I felt better. My arm was numb and I felt rather funky. Good funky.
It is hard to pick the right name for Baptism. In need of help and guidance Dear Lord, show some signs please, thank you!
P.S. There is a picture of a rather smug-looking stonefish that I would like to put up but being a good friend, I've chosen not to. So you better be grateful and take care of the injured boy, ha!
"Sweet Potato Sweet Potato, Half-Peeled Sweet Potato!"
As I was tracing, FQ pasted me this link and wah dopeshit!
Scanner Darkly's trailer and that whole movie is being traced out; Vectorized!
Madness the shiokus maximus!
I need to recce soon, real soon.
God Bless.
"A chimbley, chimbley sweep."
Finally got this picture printed and scanned, lomo with the Ah Jeer. I've been thinking of getting a polaroid, but holga and coloursplash seems fun too.
Pollaloid v.s. Lomoglapy, hmm..
Oh well. Portfolio portfolio!
Manhattan Portage, shiokus maximus only..
"You are the bluest light..."
Colour splashed with Elmo by Mister FQ; Nice!
Wonka Bar for a Chocolate cake from Lazy Gourmet; Lovely.
Thank you thank you! :)
"To neverless wonder, happy will I become."
Yesterday, I silkscreened 3 t-shirts and got my authentics.
I felt like it was my birthday, if not, better.
Ha! Shiokus!
Today, it's Valentine's day.
Wishing all the couples out there love love long long time. ♥
*Edit - Because of S A R A H Miss Blunder, I looked through my archives. It was really emo and CMI. But it's ok, everything is under controlled now. We were young, we were young, now Air Dalam already. Nevertheless, thank you for the compliments, that one I proud of, ha! ;)
"And try one, and try two; Guess it always comes down to..."
Silkscreening in few hours time, shiok!
The Julyist, Shockwave and RACHEL BILSON......... Chilli Hot Hot ah!
I think she's the cutest girl in the whole wide world, and Naomi Watts is the prettiest woman in the whole wide world.
Wah Wah Wah
"I'm singing in the rain..."