Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Kamen Rider!

Old school shit yo!
Somebody should get a half helmet and pimp it up like Riderman's.
Somebody should get a yellow scarf like Riderman's.
Somebody should get a vintage scram like Riderman's.
Ok not very possible to get a vintage scram, BUT.. You can always get a Lau K, change it to off-road tires and then get a custom fender! Oh yes not forgeting the shiokness-extra-long handle bar!

So perhaps.... That somebody should be me! :D

*Masked Rider theme song starts playing*

Seriously, Riderman's bike damn niceee....~

"So I'm gonna give, yes I'm gonna give..."

Friday, February 23, 2007


Caught Epic Movie, wah like how lame, thank God it wasn't in the cinema. Maybe only certain parts are worth laughing, most of the show is just plain dumb. And my iBook is dying, sad. I don't know what's wrong but somehow I suspect it's the fan inside or something? Cos it just gets hotter and hotter and after which my system would hang. But then the hdd seems to be spinning a little louder than usual, like aggressive reading of the disk yo! That can't be too good. Just to get the laptop diagnosed, it'd cost me 105 bucks, oh man... Gots tos spends somes angs baos moneys alreadys.

(29th March, cmon merv, you can do it!)

"Darling, what'cha gonna do now?"

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I love CB!

While cruising around the Tiong Bahru region last night, I came across this vintage beauty at one of the MSCP. Omg I'm so lovin it. And the twin exhaust is truly orgasmic! Haha! AG plate somemore, damn old skool. I think it's a CB160? Oh man... What a 'chai' for a bike.. I want it to be my valentine, seriously serious! Hur

Happy Fourteenth Feb to all! <3

"So follow my lead and we'll 1, 2, 3... Pull shapes!"

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Wah Rene Liu is SO pretty! <3

"Happy birthday to 小米..."

One ring to rule em all says...

dough·nut also do·nut (dō'nŭt', -nət)
1. A small ring-shaped cake made of rich, light dough that is fried in deep fat. Also called regionally olicook.
2. Something whose form is reminiscent of a ring-shaped cake.
3. A fast, tight 360° turn made in a motor vehicle or motorized boat.

I <3 Donuts!
U <3 Donuts!
We <3 Donuts!

(Donut bar coming up...) :D

"You don't need a degree, to deconstruct this melody.."