Its about 5am in the morning, I'm tired and lack of sleep. I'm feeling rather irritable right now, I wanna thrash up some car, ha.
X-Men and Da Vinci Code, woot shiok!
Spider spider, love.
"Now our hearts are on the everglow..."
The riot operation went smoothly, the down part: Weekend burnt.
But on a lighter note, we all had fun wrecking up cars and thrashing the shit out of the cops, ha! Oh and instead of sunday night, we get to book in monday morning, woohoo! Wonderful! Right.
I want day off.. Hurhur.
Something unexplainable happened but its good! Not complaining at all.
Emo Strawberry huh.. What a lovely feeling. :)
"Tonight feels right like I'm dancing on air."

These are the TP friends who said that I looked like a cancer patient.

I can only drink plain water, how sad.
Quek, Jon and I came across this really funky thing at borders, its called Cat-A-Pult! Its basically this catapult/gun toy which launches cat-like bullets. At the back of the packaging, there's an aiming board and there's instructions at the bottom, HOW TO LAUNCH YOUR FELINES! The three of us burst out laughing and we couldn't stop, funky balls! The feeling is beyond any description, it can't be typed out, you'll have to experience it yourself ha!
Tonight, by 2100hrs, I'll be back in HTA. Back to the healthy lifestyle, back to the police life. Till next weekend my dear friends...
"...when every star falls brought you to tears again."
I'm on 2 days MC, therefore I'll miss out 2 sessions of the riot operations, ha oh well. I've to book in tmr night by 0900hrs so I can rest and relax for today. The eye is healing and the throat's getting better, however my voice is still a little hoarse.
Yesterday was pretty much shopping day, I got stuff from Muji, and I got a pair of Vans Old Skool, shiok!
And now for medication sake, I'm going down to get lunch..
"We've lied to make our point of view."
I have not taken pictures for God knows how long! Ever since the police, ever since my camera died on me. But now I've got a replacement, A620! Its more powerful than my A80, time to snap! Hur..
This is the last public holiday until P.O.P and yet I have to be down with a terrible sore throat and a soar right eye. I lost my voice but I think now its slightly better, I got some of my voice back ha. Oh well, Zouk was jeopardized, but Poseidon and Bah Kut Teh made up for it I guess.
Next week, intensive sai kang! Got to play rioters and hmm.. Riot? I don't know what's the objective yet, but I think it's gonna be hectic. Considering it's for our very own S.W.A.T. team and all. Shit man I don't ever want to get sprayed by their water hose man, looks awfully painful. Besides, I asked my OC whether we'll get whacked, he said we would! He may just be bull-shitting but if he's not, jeng jeng jeng.
In any case, the TP people are coming back tonight, I'm still contemplating on whether to go pick them up or not cos yihan said they'll probably just head home straight, I'll see how it goes later on.
Time to take my medication! So long....
"Light out; Breathe slower."