Caught my friend's performance, acoustic and chill set, lovely. Missed the fireworks, somehow, oh well. But sweets saw shooting star, shiok only. The band after that was quite good, indie stuff, certain songs sounded a little 'The Killers'..
Now now, back to camp, bahhh.... Pointless pointless. Can't wait till I pass out... Again.
"Of ever leaving this temporary life..."
(I'm supposed to scan this long long ago, but I've not done so, oops ha!)
'Thank You for Smoking' and 'Tokyo Drift' are simply awesome! Later tonight, 'Lady in the Water' hopefully.. Shiok!
The past 3 days in camp were so so so damn slack! Long story short, I was on light duty so as it is, I don't have to march or do any physical stuff, etc. And because a few of us ex-squad 9-ers had already completed our first aid course, we did not have to attend the first aid class with the rest of the squad. My daily schedule from wed to fri goes like this:
0530 - Wake up
0600 - Fall in for briefing
0620 - Breakfast
0645 - Flag raising
0710 - Back in barrack aka sleep
1130 - Lunch
1205 - Barrack aka sleep
1800 - Dinner
1900 - Cafeteria slacking/watching tv
2100 - Barrack/Recreation room playing carrom
2230 - Lights out
No shit man, I slept so much, for the first time in 4 to 5 months, I actually feel energetic at 4am in the morning! Hur.. But I think this is the only time I could be so relaxed. Considering that now my OC is back from course, the normal and proper schedule should resume next week. But I guess it isn't that bad, because driving lesson with the police starts next tues, finally I can vroom vroom again! Ahh... Been so long since I hit the road, ha! Right.
Long long post, Goodnight.
P.S. I've got hair now, weeeee! :D
Dom: Are you going baybeats?
David: Baybeads not la, I going friend's wedding dinner.
Haha classic.

As far as I can remember, they've always been putting on superb shows and it's still the same this time round. Carry on with the good performance and not letting the fans down! Haha Lovemebutch kicks arses!
Met up with the temasek design people yesterday, not everyone of them but food fest was powerful! The japanese doughnuts are like majorly ass-kicking awesome! I think they should set up a permanent stall here, then I'll like go there all the time, yeah. Oh they got me this farting book and 'Bart Simpson's Guide to Life' book for my bday, something to occupy me in camp, good good, thanks people! Polaroid films are crazy, 20 bucks for 10, pure madness! But its damn shiok, jiii-ppaaakkkk and then you see the film coming out, steam bird bird only... Heh. Oh ya and I got myself the SAW bearbrick, dope. Booking in only tomorrow morning so off I go to channel 5, so long readers!
"We can live like jack and sally if you want..."
P.O.P OH! :D
Yesterday, 6th July, marks the end of my basic training. I'm definitely not a regimental type of person, but the feeling upon receiving my rank, it feels really good. Not to look down on those who did not get their rank, but seeing myself with it, there's a really strong sense of achievement. Besides having the promotion means more allowance hur. I feel proud marching as a corporal; I am now SC/CPL Mervyn Goh, ha!
Went back to camp this morning for my posting, was really anxious to find out where am I going to get posted to. I mentioned in the earlier post, its either NPCO or Dog unit. After hours and hours of waiting and doing nothing but rubbish with the squad, the news came in... Everyone got damn excited and they were all shouting, wanting to know where they're posted to. Haha the feeling is unexplainable, you got to be there to feel it. At last I found out I'm posted to NPCO at Alpha division(cantonment), which is the central area. I was happy with the results because I'll still be with my mates and driving license is definitely an incentive haha. I wasn't feeling so much for dog unit towards the end cos I'd be alone and the K9 camp is too far.
Three months of in-camp training before I become a full-fledged neighbourhood police officer, so next monday, going back to choa chu kang and carry on with phase 2 of my training. I heard I'll be passing out on the 17th Oct, so by then, you clubbers and whatever evil do-ers better beware! Your friendly neighbourhood corporal is going to be patrolling on the streets of clarke quay, city hall, bla bla central area and even chinatown etc, HAHA! Right.
"And as they all grow older the truth will be understood...
Cloth dolls, boxers, more puzzle pieces, photo album and apparently, it was all punking, the polaroid is still coming! Woohooo shiok! Thanks love! Appreciate the time and effort, even the badge that I'm always wearing, ha sweet. :)
I saw the Bearbrick series 12's horror and wah, I told myself I've to get it! No matter what! Hur.. It's the masked guy from Saw, woot stunning. In the end, got 2 boxes and we've got the cute and the france(what the balls?!). At least there's still cute, which jing likes, france was just... Rubbish. Speaking of which, France beat Brazil, hahaha that was rather surprising, poor brazillians, a repeat of world cup'98.
Yesterday, jvlz, dom and david came over and chu stunt! They covered me with a towel, I thought I was gonna get blanket party from them, in the end they just didn't want me to see what was going on. In the end, I felt the tyre of a bicycle! Yup they got me a bicycle for my bday. Way cool.... According to jvlz, dom, david, jing, jon, mig, nig, and stelliyah chipped in for the present so thank you guys! Hmm but I think it'll be cooler if its some old skool cha-cat bicycle ha! Nevertheless, thank you thank you thank you, I only needed one to get around and go cycling for fun so its all good! :D Oh yeah, to those who chipped in but name wasn't mentioned, I thank you too! Just blame jvlz for forgetting to mention your name heh.
Birthday this year was great, I mean, I wasn't really expecting anything(except maybe only the Gucci messenger bag from yihan HA!), just going with the flow and then when good things as such happened, it feels really good. A few random people from random places and time wished me as well, really nice of them. Thank you people and most of all, thank you God!
Now now, i'm booking-in in few hours time, I should really get some sleep! Goodnight s'pore, goodnight friends, goodnight love. Thank you for everything that you've done, much appreciation, many many love. :)
P.S. 'Superman Returns' suck dog balls! Even Daredevil was better, thats it ah.. Marvel > DC, pho'life! \m/
"I want to live where soul meets body..."
Feels like I've been in camp for almost forever and yet ironically, I'm passing out next thursday. Feels good to know that I'm POP-ing, waited for this day since the day of enlistment ha! But yeah, ORD is still a long long way to go. In any case, short-termed goal! POP first, the rest... Not important, except maybe my posting? I guess for me, it's either dog unit or neighbourhood police officer, I'm fine with either. So ultimately, there isn't anything to worry about, ha whatever. This past 4 months with squad nine was great, lots of fun and I've to admit, there are people in the squad who truly amuse me, even up till today. It's like I still can't believe such people actually do exist, ha oh well, I'll never be able to get it. The good thing is, there are people whom I believe I will keep in contact with after we get our posting so I'm glad I've made these new friends. I'm appointed to do a logo for the squad and I came up with the above, featuring Albert the spider! Hur.. :D
No more polaroid, but now, puzzle, birthday and together bears, socks, cardigan, potato salad and I heard, more to come.. Stunning only! Much appreciation and with much love! Thank you love... :)
P.S. I still want a PSP though, or perhaps a PS3 in time to come? Hoho! Blogging after not blogging for a long time feels funny, hmm...
"And watch the stars, they're ours..."