A happy bday to all the octoberians in the picture, and also to those out of the picture like han, jvlz, mig, nig and sal. Woah I have many october friends or what! Hur
"So testosterone boys and harlequin girls..."

The picture is blur, but if you can see what's going on,
P plater, new honda jazz, DRINK DRIVING.
Now for those who drink and drive, I'm sure you don't want to send your car flying?
God Bless.
"A subtle kiss that no one sees; A broken wrist and a big trapeze."

Bike on a rainy day equals to no joke man, it is the killer!
Halloween is in 5 days time, and I have morning shift tomorrow hur.
"A phantom to lead you in the summer, to join the black parade."

We turned into portsdown rd and eventually we entered whitchurch rd. Inside, we saw this landrover, dope.

And tonight was the first time we came across a vending machine which accepts notes, interesting.
"Can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid."

Check out their new single, Welcome to the Black Parade.
We'll carry on,
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone,
Believe me your memory will carry on.

Woah I think jenny lewis from rilo kiley is hothothot. I seemed to be listening to bands with female vocals nowadays, alot. Rilo kiley, paramore, eisley and the cardigans. I think.. they're all like wow. Hayley williams from paramore, the dupree sisters from eisley and nina persson from the cardigans, WOW! :]
Oh ya, and how can I leave ginette chittick of astreal out?!
Ahhh.... All so lovely, heh. :D
Ok any female species out there who wants to sing? Let's jam! Hur..
Enjoy some videos:
1) Rilo Kiley - Portions for Foxes
2) Paramore - Brighter
"Erase and rewind..."

I know I'm alone,
If I'm with or without you.
But just being around you,
Offers me another form of relief.
When the lonliness leads to bad dreams,
And the bad dreams lead me to calling you,
And I call you and say "come here!"
- Portions For Foxes, Rilo Kiley.

Enjoy some gervynmoh-nogram.
Watched Scoop with manda and han just now, what a witty show, not bad at all.
That's all, goodnight.
"Oh when the day is blue, I'll sit here wondering about you."

Happy Fucking Birthday Julius, I hope you enjoyed the waterfall, graveyard and whatever other drinks the boys had fed you with haha. You're officially an ADULT now, God Bless.
Attachment's over, to sum things up, I want to leave camp and go to division soon. It was fun doing policing work, at least for now. Still getting the kick, still looking forward to becoming an Alpha boy permanently.
I'm not feeling too good now, suffering from the lack of sleep and some emotional issues. I have a lot of things I want to and I believe I need to tell the both of you, I just don't know how to. I guess until I can really know how to, things will never be so-called fine and dandy; or even like before. I think?
"He once turned to steel, in that great magnetic field."
FUCK-ing annoying.
I have a million and one reason to arrest you, don't make me do it know! Even if I can't, I'll still summon you! ROAR! Ok I just have to do that to make myself feel better, though I'm not really feeling any better. Beyond annoying man, beyond everything. Sigh.
Now I just want my 2wheeler, ride out to funky town, and get funky like a monkey.
"The headlights look like diamonds; The taillights burn like coals."

I'm in love with Eisley, Rilo Kiley and the Cardigans!
Random random, but they're great anyhow.
Sam's Town isn't too bad, but somehow I think Hot Fuss had a greater impact? Or maybe I just haven't listen long enough.
Last supper taken at biennale national museum, that's the one I've mentioned in one of my previous post.
"You are my scar and that's not really far..."

Grow some feathers yo!
I was at clark quay with manda and han last night and it was like mardi gras! Seriously packed and with people in loud costumes, masks, drums, feathers, you name it! Parading down the quay, total carnival. It was interesting at the start, after awhile it's just too overwhelming so we left for somewhere quiter. We went to mount faber and well, there wasn't much of a view, considering the haze and all. Then we had porridge at chinatown, dope. We paid jon a visit at club home and he's just being a drunkard more than ever, it was quite a funny sight though. And only because of that, han actually had the chance to slap him around without getting anything back. Pay-back time! Ha!
Soonest! 2 more days;
"Sit back, relax; Sit back, relapse again!"

Had some shooting simulation training this week. Basically we're given an objective, a scenario, 4 of us in a team(Fong, Ahmed, Me and Muhammad), against 1 gunman. Something like paintball, only it's some kinda plastic bullet. We actually used the real revolver, but of course it's been modified to fit the plastic rounds. It was damn fun, and we were really tensed up the whole time. Some of my mates got shot and it swelled up almost immediately. Massive.
Norwegian Wood was a fine company, enjoyed the book and it makes me think of you.
"If you want something, don't ask for nothing;
If you want nothing, don't ask for something!"

I visited all the biennale spots yesterday, but sadly, the staff were quite strict about taking photos and all so I only managed to get a few. I uploaded them on my gallery. Quite a few of the exhibits in supreme court required parental guidance, like twisted or what! There was this, very science experiment type, it's like those foetus all in a jar(like toyol, gwee kia kinda shit) but the foetus are being replaced by dolls and, the whole set up was somewhat quite sick in a damn shiok manner haha. Too bad the biennale lady walked in "oh do you know photography is not allowed." Oh well wasted.
The exhibition in national museum was very small, only a couple of things there, but there was this last supper photography, I thought it was damn good but I'm not sure if jesus and the other apostles are wax figures or not, though saph thinks that they are. Go check it out if you're free, after all it's only a very small exhibition, won't take up too much of your time.
When we walked back to the car we saw an emo dog, ha! Then there was s'pore art museum, that one totally off. You don't even see any biennale posters or prints or whatever, nothing at all. And throughout the exhibition, it was more like an arty farty thing rather than experimental installations. I kinda felt like we went to the wrong exhibition but I don't know, the staff there guided us there. They weren't in the biennale tshirts though.
Now I know the importance of having some kinda visor or shades when you're on bike. I wore quidam's half helmet and wah, the wind like slapping my face only. I could barely open my eyes, then again maybe I'm not used to it. Well in time to come, I would. :)
I have approximately 6hrs before I leave my house for camp, sucks or what.
Ok saph, have a safe trip, have fun, take lots of photos, and I will see you in about 2 weeks time. Bon voyage! I'm gonna miss you.
"Just rest, just rest, just rest your pretty head."