Fifteen minutes or so of beauty, a pity that's how long it only lasted for. Somehow I don't feel so random anymore. Somehow I seem to lose my patience easily these days. I don't really know what's the cause, maybe NS made me short-tempered? Maybe the lost of my hair has resulted in the lost of my random-ness? Maybe it's something else? Maybe it's myself? Or for all you know, maybe it has nothing to do with anything? That didn't make sense, but then nothing seems to make any much sense nowadays. I must say, this is quite an emo morning. I should be sleeping but since I couldn't, I ended up thinking. At 5am in the morning, you actually realize a lot of things when you think. Anyhow, to think that I have the time to think, I might as well be blogging, ha.
Jon oh Jon, oh emo jonno,
I think you should know how I'm feeling-oh.
Ok even though that may be the case, I still think you shouldn't be so emo hurhur. And I certainly agree with Jvlz about Liberation Transmission, oh well.. Isn't it always the case? The first album always seemed to be better.
Things doesn't feel right, but what I'm afraid is, maybe it was never really right to begin with. I'm sorry for how I've been acting for the past few days but I just can't help it, it's becoming more and more apparent. I don't know what to do, I don't know what can I do. Maybe I'll pray about it? Maybe I should leave it to God? Yeah maybe..
I finally tried Hong Kong Cafe's toast, the mango dessert, and the teh-ping float; lovely!
Happy 20th Birthday Manda
Borsch Borsch Borsch! :)
P.S. 1-to-5-scheduled-and-planned kind of lifestyle isn't so bad sometimes.
"Standing on the rooftops, everybody scream your heart out."
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