Manda was telling me about their performance at VMA'06 when we're tau huaying at YONG HE(shiok!), and then I looked it up.. Wow! Like fun or what! Makes me wanna have a treadmill! Haha
Note: Click on the picture to direct yourself to the video.
"Oh here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again!"

Mad-hatter-all-seussed-up'06, yeah yeah yeahs!
O.K. Go - A Million Ways, Enjoy!
I feed my mervpod really well, but since it's the hungry season, more I say!
Eh wah the moment I typed 'more i say', I realize if you say it quick enough, it's like morissey or what! Ha!
Just like earlier today, I was telling ahmed that minimum, is actually like mini mum and I don't know why, maybe we're like high or something, we kept laughing like non stop hits hur.. And I kept throwing random shit at my mates and even my OC, I think they're quite annoyed, lol whatever.
Today I felt the power of passat, it was nothing like sunny or vios, no shit sherlock! :D
晚安 (Goodnight)
"I found you found me, dancing in this melody."

This photo shop is as authentic and as old school as it gets, I think they've been around for a few decades already. I shot julius when he got shot by the photo auntie and this came out, art balls! hur
Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends. I never get too tired of this song, especially the title, like witty or what! And this song is just so lostprophets at the start, some indie rifts in the verses and then the fall out boy chorus, like suddenly addicted to the song haha.
Yesterday, julius 1k-ed again, ha moron. And jocelyn lives happily ever after with her DJ boy LOL.
"But me, I'm just the covers on top of your bed."

Watched banquet last night, though the movie was rather slow, wah the shots, colours, choreography, etc. The cinematography! Everything like grand or what, and I think Zhang Ziyi has a very scary look, like fierce hur. Hey saph, I think she's fiercer than Liz Phair, ha! Oriental aiiight!
Rilo Kiley is awesome, will More Adventurous please hurry up.
Am I asleep or awake?

I think when you're really hyper, you'll face the risk of feeling really down. Somehow TGIF doesn't really apply for tomorrow, I've to book in for some shit job, and after which it's like, what's there to do? I don't want to start feeling negative about things; or have I already? My my what an awful thought.. I think all in all, I just really miss my beloved playstation two.
Find me a hole like this so that I can hide my head, thank you.
"Everyone deserves the flame but it's such a shame..."

Biennale at Tanglin camp was superb, there's a couple of installation which I'm really in love with. People, it's only 5 bucks(super worth it), please check it out before it's too late. This is just one of the galleries, it's filled with drawings done by a gigantic bunch of kids and it's the merlion and this other yellow sea dude, which saph told me the name but I forgot(mok mok or something like that?). Bah, inmaterial; Thank you for the muffins!
Ok so I just zouk-phutured and I felt alot better I guess, haven't been this high in a long long time, wee! A couple of familiar faces(even quidam, and the chai woman!) and it's great to see you guys man! It's been awhile... A long while, ha. And Mo, I guess now you know what I think of you ha. :)
Manda oh manda, I'm starting to think that I'm terrible too, hur.
Why ah? Why why whyyy...?
Sigh what a waste.
Good things go to those who wait, I sure hope you're right.
Ok that's all, sleep!
"But there's still tomorrow, forget your sorrow..."

Check this shit out man.
It's unbelievably retarded, you can now learn english and burn fats at the same time, wow! Japanese entertainment, they never fail to amuse me ha! And youtube.com never fails to bring joy into my life!
"Can you.. Can I.. Can we...."

I saw a convoy of vespa scooters earlier on, now I just feel like riding more than ever. Yamaha RX-K! Shit man I think I'm in love with this ah pek of a bike. Took me awhile to find a picture of it, I don't know who's bike is this but saph thinks the pink is hot. If I ever get myself one, hohoho, riders of the storm. Ha sarah the astroboy, up for it?
There was a nerdy couple making out at the orchard mrt station just now, their tongues were probably entangled and most of all, the nerd dude's got a hard on! Damn right! Didn't mean to see it but they're getting hell lot of attention and I just had to notice the buldge, oh well.. That some sick shit man. This other guy was looking at them as well, he turned to me and gave me the "yo i think that nerd's got a hard on" kinda look, ha what the balls man.
Today's damn cold, damn shiok to sleep. But my leg is paining, according to the saph, she thinks it's the bone aching. Well i think it's rheumatism. I think I'm somewhat an ah pek, either that I'm just older than what I really am. Sad.
My blog looks like my phone now, anyhow, goodnight people.
"...it's just the second time we lost the war."

This meant to be an angsty post, and then after the ring I'm just not so angry anymore, in fact I feel good. It was a tiring day, 13hrs of standing in front of swissotel and buttons pressing but yeah, I'm glad everything went smoothly. Nothing exciting, other than this really random ah pek, who cycled to where we were, looked at the memorial park and started shouting, saluting and all. My supervisor asked us not to do anything and after awhile, the ah pek got back onto his bicycle and cycled off as if nothing happened. All of us were just left there stunned, bloody random ah pek.
P.S. I'm waiting for the green light.
"Is it worth it can you even hear me?"

Tonight's a depressing night.
Manda thinks I'm terrible.
I've got 13hrs IMF duty tomorrow, 1000 - 2300hrs.
I want to and I will change my blog song.
My watch is no longer dead, mum got it fixed.
Heartburn is a total bitch.
My squad mates cancelled their simpang trip.
8.30pm sucks because it's too early to be home and too late to be out.
I want to jam the strokes.
Sarah is not zouking.
I don't mind the eye bags, eye rings, breakout, fake tattoo on arm and bad hair.
Kelly smiled at me.
Maintaining maintaining.
Remember remember the 5th of November, the gun powder treason and plot.
Bittersweet little Oysterboy.
(If I fold a paperplane and toss it out as hard as possible, would it get to the block across the street?)
That's all.

I clicked on the playlist with slow songs and coincidentally 'Straylight Run' came on and you know that band has such depressing tunes, bah.
I felt like I'm a character in One Trill Hill, OC or maybe even Days of our Lives. I've no idea how but I survived all the drama today. On top of that I've got stupid duties in camp, oh well. I guess now it's a brand new chapter. Good, sort em out, sort em out. I'm just really tired now, I need some rest.
Gd night.
"And if all else fails you can look up at the sky..."

Starting on thursday, no more movie marathon, time for serious policing work. And I may just see greg yeap wx tmr because he's enlisting, ha like weird.
Tonight, I waited and took a bus which I used to be very familiar with, maybe about 2 years back? Used to take it almost everyday. All I can say is, certain things remain the same, it still takes donkey years to come ha.
And also tonight, what I may have seemed to forget what and how it was like, pretty much came back and sure it was good.
(stiffer like numb or what sia) ha! :)
P.S. Meg & Dia > M2M
"'...I've got nineteen stars that I give your name tonight."

I can't imagine a world without Starbucks, it'd be disastrous!
I can't imagine a world without buses, we need random trips.
I can't imagine a word without love, because..
"Love wins all the time" - Morrie Schwartz
Appreciate the understanding and everything else, guess it takes awhile to settle down but I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem. Faith my friend, faith. God bless.
"My oh my, my alibi..."

Never thought this was possible, just hope that we'll find a resolve, soon.
P.S. I fell in love with the vintage shop.
"Keeping a tally, but who can keep track."

POP OH! I remembered mine. Army's one was so different, haha but I guess it's all the same for trainees/recruits, it just simply means shiok! Haha.. Too bad I didn't get to toss my peak cap, the previous batch did. The commandoes looked like they had fun tossing their jungle hat hur. Driving to pasir ris camp was rather smooth, other than the fact that dom gave lousy direction, mistaking tampines mrt station for pasir ris station(how smart), everything was fine. The coming back was a little different, I pissed a bus driver off and yeah, red light trouble, wahaha! It's ok, bus and cab drivers piss me off all the time in ubi, they deserve it! Actually no, make it all the time, in and out of ubi. I think I need more practice on the road, until then, jvlz strongly suggested that I should not go for bike license ha! Experience is all I need babe, ooooh yeah! :)
"Tell her, tell Mary."

There's this cat in camp, because of it's colour, I'm calling it Sylvester. Now Sylvester is really huge in size and when I attempted to feed the monster of a cat potato wedges, it ignored me and walked away. Ha! Have to go over to jvlz's tomorrow morning(real early balls!) to collect his Deathcab, after which dom and I will drive down to pasir ris to witness his POP! Tomorrow would pretty much be the first time I'd drive without guidance from experienced drivers so... May the force be with me! Amen.
(Hmmm. Let's do sth tmr?)
For sure! :)
***"I wonder if you know, how they live in Tokyo..."
I told saph and manda, everytime I stepped into ann siang/club st, there's this feeling of content and happiness which I do not know how to describe. It's like I just feel really peaceful and things like that. Yes it's weird but oh well, who cares, as long as I'm happy. Do not thinking after all, it's all about just doing.
I'm worried, or at least I think I am. Or perhaps I just think that I should be? I feel so one tree hill hur..
Then again... It is a very good feeling, something I've not had for eons.
"Where everything will change, we'll give ourselves new names..."
I know i've been going on and on about today being the first monday in 6 months whereby i'm actually out roaming in town and also managed to catch a movie at 7 bucks, but really, this feeling of freedom feels really really good. The very fact that I could be blogging and msning now, in my air-conditioned room, wah dope dope dope! Caught 'Devil Wears Prada' with an unexpected company, saph! Just so happened that I wanted to watch and yeah vice versa so yup, might as well. There's this 'Sephora' at one of the scene, cosmetic boutique i think? Yup, that's her sis, hurhur..
I suddenly have the urge to SLR again, Canon AE1! Peter Parker! Ahhhhh...
I still want to be Spiderman.
Jon ah jon, row row row your boat gently down the stream...
"You're no good at lying and I'm no good at comebacks."
I stepped into the church, just on time, the mass began and today happened to be the 'Rites of Acceptance' for the RCIA people. Looking at them up there, the priest blessing them, the church welcoming them, it reminded me of my ROA. There was this familiar feeling and then I spotted my church friends just a few pews away from me. I don't know why but it felt really good, to see them of course, and I did some catching up after the mass. They were incharged of canteen and I thought to myself, I could be there today, helping out as well. But, I drifted. I guess there's a time for everything, and well, there's also a reason behind everything; I'll leave it to Him. My mum's attending RCIA, I feel happy for her. Hope that this is the faith that she's looking for, I shall pray for her.
My watch developed mood swings, I just explained to Mo so I'm rather lazy to describe what happened but all in all, it's just being a gangster now. I think I need to go mustafa soon, to get one of those cheap and powerful calculator watches hur. Yihan, you of all should know my pain and suffering, you witnessed it, so hurry... I need Megazord power now! Mazda 3 please, time to make a trip to mustafa! Ha!
I've not had subway in ages, damn shiok. Though I may have tried one small leaf of a lettuce, I refuse to succumb to the veg side. I rather my sandwich looking pathetic than to be all puffed up and green haha. Ben & Jerry's just expensive, orgasmic though, colgate colgate!
Booking in later in the morning, argh 3hrs IMF course, I am so dreading it. Somebody save me.
Mo-Ah-Neh, Mo and Air! :)
P.S. We the engine drivers need not know how to type, we just drive! Right my indo friend? ;)
"...no voice, no picture, just memory."
Astreal and "Tuesdays with Morrie" make a good pair, one of those pleasure moments in camp, I just can't find any words to describe haha. It's just really pleasing and some kinda peaceful feeling. Contrary to that, just this last Wednesday, the atmosphere in the cafeteria is almost comparable to those of the pubs/kopitiams during world cup; only it's not soccer, it's Singapore Idol. You hear the trainees cheering, but most of all, I guess the kick comes from the jeering of either Paul or Joakim (actually every single week I must say hur). The moment Gurmit announces that Joakim got voted out, almost half to at least three quarter of the crowd stood up and cheered. It's amazing and seriously unbelievable! I'm not even exaggerating, the reaction was that remarkable. In fact I think they're almost going to Kallang Wave haha. My only regret is that I did not video it down, wasted. When they left the cafeteria, they all looked so happy, as if like, they're gonna pass out the next day or something? They were all singing that 'na-na-na-hey-hey-goodbye' song, A-FREAKIN-MAZING!
Maybe about an hour ago or so, Mr Postman came knocking on my door.. What a pleasant surprise! My driving licence is here, hip hip hurray~!
"Let's start out by starting over..."