I know i've been going on and on about today being the first monday in 6 months whereby i'm actually out roaming in town and also managed to catch a movie at 7 bucks, but really, this feeling of freedom feels really really good. The very fact that I could be blogging and msning now, in my air-conditioned room, wah dope dope dope! Caught 'Devil Wears Prada' with an unexpected company, saph! Just so happened that I wanted to watch and yeah vice versa so yup, might as well. There's this 'Sephora' at one of the scene, cosmetic boutique i think? Yup, that's her sis, hurhur..
I suddenly have the urge to SLR again, Canon AE1! Peter Parker! Ahhhhh...
I still want to be Spiderman.
Jon ah jon, row row row your boat gently down the stream...
"You're no good at lying and I'm no good at comebacks."
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